How to Book

We care because we want your trip to be enjoyable, simple, and above all, worry-free. We’ve created these different ways for you to communicate with us, ask questions, make a reservation, or personalize your tourist trip in Bolivia.

We try to make it easy!

  1. Direct Payment = In this option, you can confirm your trip immediately and we’ll organize the team, staff, and book your accommodation in hostels, hotels, and refuges according to your requirements or the tour’s specifications.

  2. Info Book = Here, you can ask us for more detailed and specific information about the tour you’ve chosen, as well as make a reservation through our messaging system. We’ll respond as soon as possible.

  3. Book & Pay = You can make your reservation directly in our system and pay by selecting one of our payment methods or by paying at our offices. We recommend keeping an eye on your email or cellphone number (which you gave us before) so we can contact you.

  4. WhatsApp = Here, you can ask us directly about the tour you’ve viewing, and also ask if we have available spots on the trip you want to take part in to join a group and reduce the travel costs. This is quite variable, given that we have free groups or even full groups, depending on the season.

Now that we understand this, choose the tour you want and live it, enjoy it, explore it, and travel!


- Trekking -

- Perú -


Full Day

- Salar de Uyuni -

- Contact -